Certificate Programme on Participatory Governance and Endogenous Development (PGED)
DMI is launching a Competencies Enhancement Certificate Programme on Participatory Governance and Endogenous Development (PGED). The certificate programme is designed to bring institutional change on themes related to wellbeing, livelihoods and sustainability. It is expected to bring about positive change at the grassroots through participatory and non-directive methodologies.
The programme will explore conceptual frameworks and perspectives on governance issues through an interdisciplinary and multi-sectoral approach. It would provide new and innovative pathways for Government officials, Community Leaders, Elected Representatives, Development Practitioners etc. to design and implement fruitful community-led interventions.
Please write to us for more details on support[@]dmi.ac.in / director[@]dmi.ac.in
For programme brochure, please click the following link:
Certificate Programme in Participatory Governance and Endogenous Development